shruti legalogic

Shruti Bajpai

Senior Legal Advisor
BA LLB (Hons) with specialisation in energy laws from College of Legal Studies, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun.
LLM in corporate and commercial laws from RNTU, Bhopal.
English and Hindi
Shruti is a part of the mergers and acquisitions team at Legalogic.

With 9 years of varied experience in commercial contracts, including the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) landscape, Shruti is actively involved in advising clients from various sectors on a broad spectrum of M&A transactions, including drafting and finalisation of complex agreements pertaining to private equity investments, joint ventures, business transfer, asset purchase, private placement memorandum (PPM), investment agreements to name a few, ensuring that they are comprehensive, compliant with ever changing laws.

In addition to her extensive M&A practice, Shruti has developed a niche in the oil and gas sector, providing specialized legal advice on the sector-specific documentation and transactions. Her ability to navigate the regulatory and commercial complexities of this industry adds significant value to her M&A advisory services.